Happy Friday all! Here’s something I’ve been up to.
Have you ever been in a meeting? Have you ever had Post-its next to you? And a pen? If so, you can do what I did and make a two-Post-it flip book! It took a bit more for me to get it into a file that works here (I turned it into a GIF) but what is dedication to the craft if not GIFs. Enjoy! And don’t tell your boss.
And there you have it. It can take only two frames to tell a story. (Many stories take many more frames, but that involves some extra complicated flipping.) Sometimes you have two frames working in unison, and sometimes it’s a set-up and punchline. It’s like life. Sometimes, you’re in the flow, and sometimes, the joke’s on you. Go figure.
Good look out there. Have a wonderful weekend, and welcome to everyone who hopped on recently!
-Avi Steinberg
That coffee one’s too true. I often tilt my head back and bong my chin with the mug 😂
So good! Love your title too and the idea a story can be created with a simple frame!