May 7, 2023Liked by Steinbergdrawscartoons

And the “whatcha thinking” panel...my life (all the things!)

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May 13, 2023Liked by Steinbergdrawscartoons

Well, you have earned my subscription! I did have a wee bit of anxiety over should I just try it for a $5 month, or should I just pay the $50 and be square with myself that I will enjoy your work? 50 won because I didn’t want you to be anxious and I’m pretty sure I’ve made a good decision. Let me add that to my thought balloon. I fear I must now admit I, too, have anxiety. Now I have your cartoons in my head………..good deal!

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May 7, 2023Liked by Steinbergdrawscartoons

Reading this really felt like a tap on the shoulder from a good friend, I’ve always (and still) suffered from anxiety, and I work as an illustrator too, so this really speaks to me.

Also I LOVE your work.

Hope you have a good day :)

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May 7, 2023Liked by Steinbergdrawscartoons

Oh, holy hell, all of this (except for being able to decide what to order in a restaurant; once, years ago, as I struggled, a friend said, "Beth, you can come *back and order something else"). Thank you for writing this. It took the pandemic for me to realize how much I struggle with anxiety. Mostly, I thought I was just a fuck-up who wasn't living up to her potential.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Steinbergdrawscartoons

Do people really live their lives without thinking about all this stuff?? Inconceivable!

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May 7, 2023Liked by Steinbergdrawscartoons

Thanks for this. It's ironic how so many anxious people seem to be so chill on the outside. I don't know how we manage to pull that off. When in reality, our brains are like a tangled mess of strings going through every scenario that may or may not happen.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Steinbergdrawscartoons

I love this! Such a vivid, accurate and highly relatable portrayal of anxiety, thanks for sharing, and I can say from both personal and professional experience that yes it absolutely can change, though it rarely entirely goes away. The key, for me, has been learning how to regulate the nervous system - on a bodily level. I don't think we can solve anxiety with the thinking mind, it's like that Einstein quote 'we can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking that created them'

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This is a flat-out brilliant cartoon. Me, I’m firmly in the “where are the things?” camp … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLLGSxMS3Vg&ab_channel=CrowRising

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I relate to all of this so much. Wonderful article.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Steinbergdrawscartoons

A lot of times when people write about anxiety it makes me, well, anxious! The opposite happened when I read this post. Everyone growing up thought I was the laidback twin (I’m a twin) but really I was just as anxious as she was but better at hiding it. Hooray for finding ways to cope and live with it!

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May 29, 2023Liked by Steinbergdrawscartoons

Thank you writing this. It came at a good time. Brilliant illustrations as well ❤️

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May 26, 2023Liked by Steinbergdrawscartoons

Yay, right up my alley.

Learn, share and love it!

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I love the shades of anxiety you express!

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May 14, 2023Liked by Steinbergdrawscartoons

It's a funny day for self reflection. I've been working on one about Mercury Retrograde.

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May 14, 2023Liked by Steinbergdrawscartoons

You had me at the Rotten Tomatoes dilemma.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Steinbergdrawscartoons

This is no topic for a beautiful spring Sunday. It’s a Monday cartoon. 😥

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